Released From Quiet is a musical entity. A living, breathing, expanding, contracting, ‘on the grow’ music making entity that came to be over time. The foundations of RFQ began to take form on two separate continents; Asian – the part known as Japan.. in the Nagasaki Prefecture and North American..about as far north as a person can go: The Last Frontier State of Alaska. Through the pull of an undeniable magnetism – these two came together.
Chris’ venture into music making began when he picked up the bass guitar at the suggestion of a physician who had diagnosed him with epilepsy. This malady challenged Chris’ finger coordination and, as many around the world know, music is a healer. Mary’s musical ear was touched by the silence and natural rhythms found in the sticks of the north. RFQ believes in a porous stage — one where we can come and go easily and can invite others to play along, at times. You may find us both on stage – Chris with his soul stirring vocals and his own style of guitar playing and Mary brushing a cajon or tapping out rhythms on electronic drums. Other times Chris carries the moments on his own. We have been so fortunate to share our stage with incredible blues guitar players, rocking hand drummers, potent ukeleles and delicious sides of ‘slide’. Our porous stage has been known to create ‘spontaneous combustions of FUN-K’!
Our genre? – “Indie-Groove Smoky Soulful Rock”
We consider this blue and green globe to be our playground. If you would like to see us in your part of this sphere we share – send us a note! Then, possibly, we can share some of our ‘notes’ with you … so that you too can be “Released From Quiet”.